The Ballad of Billy Badass follows the life of an enigmatic drifter caught in the relentless currents of fate and violence. Spanning decades, from the sweltering heat of a Michigan summer to the blood-soaked jungles of Vietnam. Delve deep into the psyche of a man who was made by his scars, and whose rebellion against the world only hardens as he moves from small-time hustles to something altogether more dangerous.
As haunting as it is electrifying, The Ballad of Billy Badass captures the spirit of a bygone era-a world of violent redemption, and the raw fight for survival.
Written in a bold, experimental style, The Ballad of Billy Badass is a love letter to the silent anti-heroes of classic cinema. Patrick Sheane Duncan crafts a gripping ode to the renegades of old-those who walked the razor's edge between law and lawlessness.