Now, Zenith finds himself navigating an uncertain pursuit when a new friend emerges: Naz. These two could not be more different. Naz is a classic rebel without a cause, while Zenith just wants to be a normal teenager. Despite their differences, they both find themselves in the same alternative education center. For Naz this was a choice, relishing in the freedom and opportunity to be master of his own destiny. Zenith, on the other hand, was there against his will and unable to make sense of why he keeps finding himself in these situations. He is confused and frustrated--"Why can't I just be normal?"
It was no mere coincidence that their worlds collided when they did--it was providence! And Ms. Atma, the new teacher, arrived at the perfect time, as the fate of the world was at stake! She was determined to make sure the future of the world was secure.
This is just the beginning of a time-bending, worlds-colliding, mystical quest that is set to reshape all that we know forever! Reality will be altered as we know it!
--Brian Orme and David Waddell