"My friend, "Dr. Peter" Stephenson, has meticulously crafted a tale where mysticism, the occult and science collide to forge the ideal historical-fiction murder mystery trinity. "Whispering Dead" is the ultimate genesis for his book series, "Murders in the Abby". Dr. Peter prudently ferries his readers to Oxfordshire, England at the end of the 13th century. It is here they are immersed in a community of Cistercian monks, rebel rousers, peasant, Lords, Ladies and introduced to a small group of Benedictine nuns tasked with investigating the homicides which have darkened the town. Dr. Stephenson's episodic storytelling carefully weaves multiple characters together while keeping these faithful, feminine rationalists at the heart of his tale. Just when I thought the nuns, and I, had solved the "who and why", we were presented with new evidence that would dismantle our previous theories all while preparing us for the second installation of this medieval mystery." -- Sunny Bleau