This book is intended to make us all aware of the driving forces of our extreme political divisions in the USA.
There is a possibility that as we have the proper types of dialogue some of them may be resolved, or not.
The roots, some of them, historical ones are examined as well as how the media and social media contribute to the polarization of America. There have been serious repercussions resulting from some of this for real people. We have lost civil rights, and the states are introducing more restrictive laws, the Supreme Court is being severely compromised. The book describes the roots of the American political divide. It explores some of the reasons and ramifications of the current state of politics in the US. It describes some of the dangers facing our political elections and the climate of harassment and violence. The book expounds on human suffering which is a direct result and offers suggestions to have civil dialogue and programs started to mitigate the present stagnation. Dark money, gifting of lavish vacations, and trips, all unreported.