ing system designed to alter consciousness and escape time and space. The CIA investigated this technique in 1983, focusing on psychic research and remote viewing. The process began with Robert Monroe, a radio broadcasting executive, who discovered sound patterns affecting human capabilities. He established an R&D division within RAM Enterprises, focusing on sleep learning and out-of-body experiences. In 1962, RAM Enterprises expanded into radio station ownership, cable television, and audio cassette production. In 1971, Monroe published Journeys Out of the Body, popularizing the term "out-of-body experience." In 1972, a classified report claimed the Soviet Union funded research into ESP and psychokinesis for espionage purposes. In 1975, Monroe registered patents on audio techniques for stimulating brain functions until the left and right hemispheres synchronize, promoting mental health or causing altered states of consciousness. In 1983, the CIA published "Analysis and Assessment of the Gateway Process," establishing a scientific framework for understanding and expanding human consciousness.