Blondie. That's what I call her.
With her perfect hair, perfect clothes, and perfect nails. Yeah, that's her type. I couldn't stand her from the moment she flashed that dazzling smile and had all the boys drooling.
But then, she decided she wanted to be friends-with me. Why?
I'm not sure, but I don't trust her.
Especially not when she starts going after Jake.
My Jake!
There's no way I'm just going to stand by and let her steal away my best friend/secret crush.
Nope. This means war. Blondie's life might be perfect right now, but for once it's my time to shine.
If I can just figure out how to get Jake to choose me over her.
I could sure use a little dose of her perfection about now.
Hold onto your horses, ladies, because there's about to be trouble with Blondie.