In 1996, Following the success and popularity of the "DBZ" anime series, Toei Animation decided to extend the franchise beyond the original manga. The new anime series was titled "DBGT", with "GT" being short for "Grand Touring" or "Galaxy Touring". In 1997, The Chinese "Xinjiang Youth Publishing House" made a 20-volume fanmanga series of "DBGT"'s "Dark Dragon Ball" and "Baby" arcs. For this restored edition, every page has been cleaned by hand and translated to English.
Age 789: Five years have passed since the 28th Tenkaichi Budokai, and all is peaceful around the world as Goku and Oob finish their training in Kami-sama's palace. However, this peace soon ends as Pilaf makes a terrifying wish, transforming Goku into a child. The rush is on to retrieve all seven Ultimate DBs from around the Universe before the Earth and its inhabitants are destroyed...
This book contains volumes 1 and 2 of the original "DBGT" doujinshi, for a total of 272 pages.