0As an elementary school teacher and self-avowed word nerd, Lisa loved reading to her students as well as to her own two children. Singing, rhyming, and word games were a natural part of her day whether in the classroom or at home. Lisa had also always been interested in energy. After she left teaching, she began to study metaphysics and energy medicine. After several years of training she became an Eden Energy Medicine Clinical Practitioner treating clients, teaching energy classes, and leading study groups in her community. Lisa loved sharing her knowledge of energy with others and is very excited now to offer it in this format. Did You Know? is the title for a series of children's books that Lisa has written about the energy of love. This second book in the series subtitled "night sky" emphasizes our magical connection to the stars above, relating them to our very own inner guidance system that has our best interests at heart. Her first book subtitled "love-light" focuses on our connection to the universal force of love, encouraging readers to be proactive with their energies rather than reactive. Though each book's fun rhyme scheme pattern and sweet illustrations are attractive to children, their message is for everyone. In fact, Lisa's greatest hope is for young families to read her books so that they can learn to work with the energy of love individually, with each other as a group, and then together flow that new awareness out into the world. Two energy exercises are included in each book.