"What a great job of summarizing so much information about the non-profit sector," Carol M, retired adjunct professor, New School University; and former senior officer Girl Scouts of America.
"It's a wonderful handbook." Mary S, board member of several local nonprofits.
Why know about not for profits:
They are everywhere: Schools, Hospitals, Museums, Neighborhood Organizations; over 1.5 million registered with IRS.
Employ more than 12 million people; expend 2.4 trillion dollars; contribute over $985 billion (5.4% GDP) to US economy.
Always in the news: Researching, Advocating, Helping the Needy.
Do you work for a nonprofit? Or volunteer? Are you looking for a job with one? Do you donate money? Studying business or economics? or do you just have questions about then? This Handbook will answer your questions in one easy read and be a reference for a lifetime.
Why this book Read all the essentials; easy and quick; great reference Learn about the sector's importance, the law, management and finances. Understand the difference between for-profits and not for profits Understand the changes taking place in the sector today. Find information not found in the thicker more expensive books
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