7Briars, Brambles, and Barbed Wire is a collection of short stories written in first person- most conveyed with biting sarcasm and self-deprecating humor. The stories are intended to entertain and amuse the reader. With titles like 'Driving Miss Crazy', 'MEGA DONGS', 'Great Cluster Buster of 2020', 'Nice Balls, Betty', and 'Peeing in the Gene Pool' one should not be disappointed to discover stories based on memories and observations from the mind of someone a half bubble off plumb. One will know to not expect the inspired work of a literary genius or plan to see the movie on NETFLIX. Although some more serious and poignant stories are interspersed within the works, most are intended to evoke a laugh or smile. Finding humor in awkward situations and the good among the bad is the common theme. Believing we take ourselves entirely too seriously, the author demonstrates it is acceptable and alright to laugh at our mistake and move along. The creative force behind the stories is an old tired woman living on the family farm. Retired and inspired to improve the farm (her legacy), she began the process of shredding briars and brambles and removing old barbed wire fences. The stories are instigated, formulated, ruminated, and regurgitated...all by a little ol' lady from a little ol' briar patch in Texas. "I postulate we are surrounded by an abundance of pricks; I have merely chosen to surround myself with pricks I can actually run over with a shredder."