4Radical Prayer handbook is a powerful book with specific instructions and guidance on how to pray and receive an instant response from God. It provides the fundamentals requirements to get prayers answered by God. The book contains several prayers for different situations. With Biblical insights, Kelvin Armstrong a renowned evangelist offers specific prayers for - Divine protection for we and our loved ones - Deliverance against Generational Curse & Satanic Spell - Divine understanding of the spirit realm - Authority over Satanic & Demonic Forces - Spiritual Warfare - Instant Healing etc He also discusses ways to make prayers more powerful with a swift response from God. His teachings have helped people find God and have a deeper connection with Him. Other books that he has written include the Audacity of faith, Hearing God's Voice and Engaging the Spirit Realm. Tags: prayer, prayer keller, the prayer box, prayers for healing, prayer books, free prayer books, prayer book for women, prayer journal, prayer for success, prayer for husband, prayer for deliverance, prayer and fasting, prayer and intercession, prayer catholic, prayer devotionals, prayer in the spirit, daily prayer, thanksgiving prayer, prayer for strength, prayer for the sick, unanswered prayers, prayers for protection, radical prayers, third step prayer, spiritual warfare prayers.