0In this excellent manual, William Evans offers practical guidance to preparing excellent, thought-provoking and eloquent sermons on a variety of spiritual topics.
The first two thirds of this book contains a variety of discussions regarding sermons. Knowing one's own personality and skills of oration is emphasized as important, as is an understanding and ready ability to interpret and properly present a chosen scriptural text. The piecing together and assembly of the chosen themes, and the three major phases of a good sermon - Introduction, Body, and Conclusion - are all discussed.
In the later portions of the text, the author shows us examples of themes he has himself used over the years. Quoting the Gospels and highlighting each selection, Evans demonstrates a devotional lucidity in justifying the choices. He considers how each can form a picture for the audience and evoke spiritual thought in every listener. Finally, we are given an in-depth look at the system which William Evans used to prepare and organize his sermons.
Although short, this book has the benefit of being easy to reference. The author is not long-winded; point after point is delivered in a clear and efficient way. While longer, more theoretical works on preaching and sermonizing delve deeper, they have not the breezy and practical clarity of this fine manual.
Although written and published in the early 20th century, Reverend Evans' guidance retains its essential freshness and usefulness. The reader may derive comfort from the fact this book was informed by the author's own experience preaching to congregation crowds in church and outdoor settings.