7The United States Navy's guide to bugling remains an useful text for aspiring players of the instrument, and for musicians considering naval service - this edition includes every illustration and piece of musical notation.
Bugles have been an important feature in military tradition for centuries: on the battlefield as a method of signalling a charge or withdrawal; in the training of soldiers in sounding the times in barracks; and as a ceremonial instrument during military parades, celebrations, funerals and other such events. Learning the basics of the instrument is relatively straightforward, and it was the Navy's hope that many Americans - enlisted or otherwise - would learn the bugle through this guidebook.
Over 150 musical notations are printed in this book. Generally speaking, they become more advanced in terms of phrasing and notation as the reader proceeds through the pages. The program lays out a time frame upon which the player should advance his abilities and teaches the basics of musical theory such as the staves, reading notation, and the timing of play. The book's later portions lays out a sequence of notation; beginning with simple phrases, until eventually we progress to popular calls signifying a variety of military practices.
First produced by the United States Navy in 1919, this text was subject to a review and editing by naval personnel in the early 1950s. Although quite short, the guidance is efficient, terse and easy to grasp. Over decades, many naval personnel have referred to this manual and enjoyed success in learning how to play the bugle.