As the price fell to $9.30, then $9.25, New Trader felt an adrenaline rush as he
keyed in the stock symbol, and '1000' beside quantity.
His heart pounded in his chest as he clicked his mouse to refresh and see his
current positions.
His account screen refreshed: 1000 shares SRRS BUY Executed $9.35
"$9.35?!" New Trader shrieked.
Looking at his real-time streamer, he froze.
The current quote was $9.10. He felt sick.
"I...I just lost $250?! It takes me an entire weekend of delivering pizzas to make
$250," Fear gripped his stomach, wrenching it into a knot.
It felt like he'd been robbed.
"Steve has crafted an easy-to-read tutorial on avoiding the most common mistakes made by new traders. Save yourself years of heartache and buy this book and do your homework. New Trader, Rich Trader should be mandatory reading for the novice investor." -Kenneth Lee, author of "Trouncing the Dow"
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