This groundbreaking narrative history of the Sengoku era weaves together the epic tales of these three figures for the first time. It provides a comprehensive survey of the Azuchi-Momoyama Period (1568-1600), covering the reigns of both Nobunaga and Hideyoshi, as well as the foundational years of the Tokugawa shogunate (1600-1616). The book delves deep into the pivotal battles fought by each of these three hegemons, from the decisive clash at Okehazama in 1560 to the legendary Battle of Sekigahara in 1600, and the Two Sieges of Osaka Castle in 1614-15.
Moreover, the book examines the political and administrative structures of their rule, shedding light on the role played by western foreigners ('nanban') and the Christian religion in early modern Japanese society. With its broad scope, the story of Japan's three unifiers - dubbed 'the Fool, ' 'the Monkey, ' and 'the Old Badger' - unfolds as a sweeping saga, encompassing acts of unimaginable cruelty alongside tales of great samurai heroism that continue to resonate through the peaceful Edo/Tokugawa period and beyond.