2This book, "Islamic Studies Level One" is a curriculum work for six years old. It covers all the essential topics a child at this age should know. It also has many activities in English and Arabic.Topics: Wudoo described (P -1), Wudoo described (P -2), Du'aah before and after Wudoo, reasons for making Wudoo, Poem, "Five daily Salaah" Du'aah - Al - Istiftaah(opening Du'aah in Salaah), Dhikr during and after Rukoo' Dhikr during Sujood and between them, theTashahhud, Darood upon the Prophet (saw) in Salaah(P-1), Darood upon the Prophet in Salaah (saw) (P-2), Du'aah after the Darood in Salaah, Does Allaah have a family, Allaah's Angels, The five outstanding Prophets & Messengers, Masjid manners, classroom manners, body hygiene (Brushing my teeth, Cutting my nails, Combing my hair, Having a bath/shower, Poem, "clip and brush"), Etiquette of eating and drinking, Death of the Holy Prophet's (Allaah's Mercy and Peace be upon him) father, Abdullaah, Birth of the Holy Prophet (Allaah's Mercy and Peace be upon him), The Holy Prophet (Allaah's Mercy and Peace be upon him) in care of Haleemah - As - Sa'diyyah, Splitting of the Holy Prophet's chest (Allaah's Mercy and Peace be upon him), Death of the Holy Prophet's (Allaah's Mercy and Peace be upon him) mother, Aaminah, Death of the Prophet's (Allaah's Mercy and Peace be upon him) grandfather, Abdul-Muttalib, Miracles on The Holy Prophet's (Allaah's Mercy and Peace be upon him)first trip to Syria, Wise advice of Baheerah.