lict have powerful influence. The kind of influence that motivates people to work smart, sell more, support each other, problem-solve, remain loyal and happily employed. In this short read Lynne Maureen Hurdle uses her Leadership C.O.R.E. framework to lay out the strategies and ways of thinking that teach leaders how to understand and engage in conflict skillfully, confidently and powerfully in order to lead successful teams. The number one thing that is present in every business, especially when you have a team is conflict. Unmanaged conflict can make work miserable for everyone, kill productivity and create a great deal of stress. Conflict is not going away and yet that is the very thing that most leaders wish for. It is the Bold Leader that can lead by heading straight in to conflict with the mindset and skill set to master it. If you are a leader who wants to: -Respond rather than react to conflict. -Learn how to understand yourself and others in conflict in order to determine the most skillful ways to engage in it. -Develop a team that can rise above disagreements to the place where diverse ideas come together to move everyone forward. -Tackle the hidden conflicts that are on the verge of undermining you, the company and profits. -Lead a happy team that sees you as approachable and comes to you before things blow up. -Stop fearing conflict, start engaging in it and make it work for you, your team and the business. Then this is the book for you.