1Strawberry and Cracker are twins with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome who live with their grandma and her dog, Thunder. The twins struggle with fidgeting. All children fidget, but a child with FAS frequently over-fidgets, thereby annoying people who do not understand impulsive behaviors. Fidget! introduces Strawberry and Cracker's typical fidgeting scenarios. While not all strategies to stop fidgeting will work for every child, Grandma realizes the importance of discovering which ones work for the twins. Through discussion with other adults, she hopes people will apply the calming methods to lessen the stress associated with fidgeting. Other titles in the series are The School Day, Advocate!, The Twins Learn Of Their Disorder, The Twins Cause Havoc!, The Birthday Bash, The Meltdown, and The Twins' Sensory Smarts. Suitable for children ages 5-12 years of age.