Vancouver, Canada, 1927. The Roaring Twenties are anything but extravagant for seventeen-year-old Clara Wilson. With her family struggling to make ends meet and under the threat of eviction, she applies for a job at the soon-to-be-opened Hotel Hamilton. But with her impulsive, adventure-seeking sister quick on her heels, she may find herself battling more than she anticipated.
Feeling the intense burden of responsibility and doing her best to navigate the opulent hotel's rigorous training program, her hopes for survival crumble when she encounters rivalry from an out-of-place socialite. And as both women strive to win the coveted position, Clara fears she could be losing the only way to keep her family afloat.
Will Clara overcome extreme adversity and save her loved ones from ruin?
Welcome To The Hamilton is the heartwarming first book in the Hotel Hamilton historical fiction series. If you enjoy resilient protagonists, illustrious backdrops, and blossoming sibling relationships, then you'll adore Tanya E William's tale of strength.