In these few simple pages we aim at expounding a conception of the spiritual life, which, of its very nature, seems well adapted to help the soul in its progress through these two stages on the road to sanctity. Founded on a fundamental dogma of the spiritual life, the dogma of sanctifying grace and of the divine indwelling, it helps us singularly to esteem and practise this precious intimacy with Christ, which constitutes the first stage. Then, following the wonderful teaching of the great Apostle on incorporation with Christ, our mystical Head, it directs the whole spiritual life towards transformation into Jesus and identification with him. And so, by continually developing in us sentiments in union with the unitive life, it lifts us up little to the highest summits of this life.
We have striven to make a synthesis of this Pauline spirituality and at the same time have tried to set in relief all its grandiose beauty, its rapturous joy and its inestimable advantages.