In WTF Am I Even Doing (Today), bestselling author Courtney St Croix encourages you to clarify your to-do list into five small tasks each day, so that you become less overwhelmed and more accomplished. The jig is up. It's time to admit it. You don't know what you're doing, and neither do I. The cool thing about that? It's totally okay. We don't need to pretend we know what's up anymore. Just be real about it, okay? fist bump I mutter the words WTF AM I EVEN DOING multiple times each day, and once I came clean about it, I noticed others were feeling the same way, too. Nobody knows. We're all just quietly winging it.
This daily task journal is meant to simplify your to-do list so you can remove overwhelm from your day and feel good crossing off a minimum amount of things necessary to accomplish in a day. Listen, honey. Adding more things to your to-do list is one big fat to-don't. Yours is already a mile long, isn't it? (Don't you lie to me...) Get organized and inch closer to having a clue about WTF you're doing this month, this week, and TODAY by using this simple 5-tasks-per-day productivity method. (Yes, I said 5 things. Not 25 things. PRIORITIZE, KAREN.) WTF AM I EVEN DOING (TODAY) will help you feel more successful and accomplished, by virtue of the best serotonin inducing productivity task - crossing off your tasks as you complete them. TAKE THAT, LIFE! #nailedit