Chanting or listening to the one thousand names of the Lalitā Sahasranāma is a treasured practice among lovers of the red-hued Lalitā Mahātripurasundarī. If we can view this chant through the lens of the philosophy on which it is expounded, the nāmas pour into the moment-to-moment unfolding of life, which becomes infused with Lalitā Devī's radiant presence. Instead of being hindrances to liberation, our challenging life circumstances become the doorways to freedom. Each of the thousand nāmas is a mantra. When we invite the nāmas into our inner landscape, the Lalitā Sahasranāma becomes a garland of mantras, where every life experience is rendered sacred because it can be found in the velvety folds of the chant. This kind of practice opens us to uncommon wisdom and sweetness--this is Glorious Alchemy
This commentary takes a non-traditional approach and provides a primer on Śrīvidyā, exploring concepts such as Kuṇḍalinī, prāṇa, kośas, karma and ācārās. Part II threads together the thousand nāmas on the basis of Śrīvidyā philosophy as it relates to life and personal practice. In addition, suggested contemplative practices are provided for further reflection on the nāmas.
This book comes with a recording of the Lalitā Sahasranāma, as well as a guided meditation to facilitate the contemplative practices in Part II. Lnks to the recording are available on the New Sarum Press website.