In the UAV Pilot Logbook Pro you can record flight time for rotary, fixed-wing and lighter-than-air (LTA) UAV operations, so that even if you fly a variety of aircraft types you will be able to log all of your data in the same book. You can record data from 1000 flights in this book, and because the format is somewhat larger than that of our other UAV logbooks you can record a greater variety of data for each flight. These characteristics make the UAV Pilot Logbook Pro the most complete record of your flying experience that you can get, using a paper logbook. The hardcover provides valuable durability.
The logbook is 286 pages long. On the inside you will find:
An Aircraft and Equipment Data section, in which you can record identification information for up to 16 different aircraft, as well as data about batteries, other power sources (e.g. liquid fuel) and additional equipment (cameras, etc).
A main Pilot Flight Log section, in which you can record the registrations of the different aircraft in use for each of your flights and their types, flight locations and times, flight durations, flight functions (e.g. Instructor time, etc), numbers of landings, night flight time, maximum aircraft height and distances flown. You can also record batteries or fuel use, inspections and calibrations accomplished, technical problems found and corrective actions performed, remarks about the flight and endorsements (e.g. Instructor signature). This section provides easy-to-use instructions about how to fill out the log, with example pages included.
A final, Record of Training section, in which you can log all of your training courses taken and exams passed, as well as places for instructors to sign these off, as required.
Although larger than our other logbooks, Pro remains convenient for carrying, either in your backpack or in any small case you may be using. You are therefore able to record your flight data on the spot. Additionally, this book avoids the wasted space found in other drone logbooks that, for example, unnecessarily ask you to draw flight plans. Finally, using a physical, bound logbook is superior to using an electronic version because you do not require an internet connection to record your data in the field and the data are not subject to loss or accidental deletion. The physical log is the official aviation standard.
Bottom line: using the UAV Pilot Logbook Pro makes it easy to create a lasting and comprehensive record of your professional flying experience and training.