3Nude photography is once again the theme for the second issue of The Op ra, a new annual magazine edited by Matthias Straub that presents the body as both performer and locus of interpretation. Here, a broad swath of international photo artists explores the endless uniqueness of the human body. The contributing photographers include Alexey Dubinsky, Andrea H bner, Brian Riley, Hannes Caspar, Li Hui, Olivier Ameur, Fridolin Sch pper, Ilja Keizer, Neda Rajabi, Rachel de Joode, Stefan Milev, Christy Lee Rogers, Igor Vasiliadis, Michael Taylor, Sam Scott Schiavo, Thorsten Jankowski, Torkil Gudnason, Armando Branco, Jessica Tremp, Michelle Lowe Holder, Olaf Breuning, Yves Noir, Carla van de Puttelaar, Carsten Witte, Grace Vane Perry, Nicolas Guerin and Pascal Renoux, among others.