Ama y no sufras lleva más allá lo que el autor expuso en Amar o depender? No sólo se trata de amar sin apegos, que es un logro importante, sino de acabar con todo tipo de sufrimiento inútil relacionado con el amor. Sentir amor es más fácil que explicarlo, porque nadie nos ha educado para amar y ser amados, al menos de manera explícita. Habrá quienes digan que el amor no es para entenderlo, sino para sentirlo y disfrutarlo, y que el romanticismo no soporta ningún tipo de lógica: nada más erróneo.
Vívelo y disfruta de tu relación.
ENGLISH DESCRIPTIONEven those who presume to be perfectly attached to their partner, in the deepest recesses of their being, harbor doubts and insecurities. Who hasn't suffered from being with the wrong person, because the flame goes out, or simply because of the caress that never came?
Ama y no sufras (Love and Don't Suffer) takes further what the author said in Amar o depender? (Love or Depend?) It is not only about loving without attachments, which is a major achievement, but about ending all kinds of useless suffering related to love. Feeling love is easier than explaining it, because no one has educated us to love and be loved, at least not explicitly. There will be those who say that love is not to be understood, but to be felt and enjoyed, and that romanticism does not support any kind of logic: nothing could be more wrong.
Live it and enjoy your relationship.