Días sin ti es una historia de complicidad a través del tiempo, la de una abuela y su nieto. Dora, maestra en tiempos de la República, comparte con Gael la historia que la ha llevado a ser quien es. Con ternura, pero con crudeza, confiesa sus emociones a su nieto escultor, un joven con una sensibilidad especial, y le brinda, sin que éste lo sepa todavía, las claves para reponerse de las heridas causadas por un amor truncado.
A través de la reflexión y de lo que enseña la melancolía, esta novela transita esos caminos por los que todos, en algún momento, tenemos que pasar para comprender que la vida y el amor son sublimes precisamente porque tienen un final.
Two love stories cut short, one by life and the other by death.
Días sin tí (Days Without You) is a story of complicity through time, that of a grandmother and her grandson. Dora, a teacher during the Republic era, shares with Gael the story that has shaped her into who she is. With tenderness but also with raw honesty, she confesses her emotions to her grandson, a young sculptor with a special sensitivity, and unknowingly provides him with the keys to recover from the wounds caused by a love cut short.
Through reflection and the lessons taught by melancholy, this novel traverses those paths that we all, at some point, must walk to understand that life and love are sublime precisely because they have an end.