PÃldoras de humor Quino para combater los dÃas grises. Publicada originalmente en Argentina en 1972, esta colección de tiras cómicas tiene la dignidad, lucidez y habitual ternura que caracterizan la obra del gran dibujante argentino.
En esta ocasión, el padre de
Mafalda usa su excelente humor como herramienta para diseccionar el mundo que nos rodea. La manera que tiene Quino de retratar las situaciones cotidianas y darles un giro siempre resulta sorprendente, logrando arrancar sonrisas y carcajadas sin necesidad de alzar la voz.
ENGLISH DESCRPTION A dose of Quino humor to brighten even grey days. Originally published in 1972 in Argentina, this collection of comic strips has the dignity, clarity, and typical sweetness that characterize the works of the great Argentinean artist. On this occasion, Mafalda's father uses his excellent humor as a tool to analyze the world that surrounds us. The way Quino has of depicting everyday situations and turning them around is always surprising, eliciting smiles and laughs without even raising his voice.