9A unas semanas de su lanzamiento,
Libera tu cerebro revolucionó la literatura médica al demostrar cientÃficamente que el cerebro es el verdadero rehén de la comida moderna y que es posible romper con la adicción a los alimentos dañinos, convirtiéndose en un bestseller instantáneo y vendiendo cientos de miles de copias alrededor del mundo.
Libera tu cerebro es el primer programa que ataca a la obesidad como una adicción a la comida, fácil de seguir gracias a las cuatro reglas de oro que rompen con los impulsos adictivos. Un libro que cambiará la vida de las millones de personas que a pesar de seguir programas alimenticios y rutinas de entrenamiento fÃsico no logran perder esos kilos de más, y en el que la doctora Susan Peirce Thompson explica que la imposibilidad de alcanzar el peso ideal no está relacionada con la falta de voluntad ni de conocimiento: la clave está en el cerebro. Además de hablar de su experiencia personal, la doctora Peirce suma los testimonios de quienes han conseguido ser felices, delgados y libres a través de su método.
«Una perspectiva vanguardista para enfrentar los problemas persistentes y mal diagnosticados relacionados con el sobrepeso , Mark Hyman, autor de
Come grasa y adelgaza y
La solución del azúcar en la sangre. «Este libro no está basado solamente en las experiencias de miles de personas, sino que está respaldado por neurociencia sólida que nunca antes se habÃa presentado de este modo , Christiane Northrup, autora bestseller de The New York Times.
ENGLISH DESCRIPTION A NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER Foreword by John Robbins, author of the international bestseller DIET FOR A NEW AMERICA In this book, Susan Peirce Thompson, Ph.D. shares the groundbreaking weight-loss solution based on her highly acclaimed
Bright Line Eating Boot Camps. Rooted in cutting-edge neuroscience, psychology, and biology, Bright Line Eating explains why people who are desperate to lose weight fail again and again:
It's because the brain blocks weight loss.
Bright Line Eating (BLE) is a simple approach designed to reverse that process. By working with four "Bright Lines" -- clear, unambiguous, boundaries -- Susan Peirce Thompson shows us how to heal our brain and shift it into a mode where it is ready to shed pounds, release cravings, and stop sabotaging our weight loss goals.
Best of all, it is a program that understands that willpower cannot be relied on, and sets us up to be successful anyway.
Through the lens of Susan's own moving story, and those of her Bright Lifers, you'll discover firsthand why traditional diet and exercise plans have failed in the past. You'll also learn about the role addictive susceptibility plays in your personal weight-loss journey, where cravings come from, how to rewire your brain so they disappear, and more. Susan guides you through the phases of
Bright Line Eating--from weight loss to maintenance and beyond--and offers a dynamic food plan that will work for anyone, whether you're vegan, gluten-free, paleo, or none of the above.
Bright Line Eating frees us from the obesity cycle and introduces a radical plan for sustainable weight loss. It's a game changer in a game that desperately needs changing.