gueda Chac n Churruca hizo una gran fortuna con sus libros de terror, sus lectores la adoraban, aunque ella los odiaba:
"Escribo para que sufran", dec a.
En realidad, gueda detestaba a todo el mundo, en especial a su familia, a quienes siempre tach de chapuceros, flojos, interesados, y con pelo feo.
Un tr gico d a, gueda muere electrocutada en su sill n de masajes y deja su inmensa fortuna a aquel pariente que consiga pasar doce noches en su colecci n de propiedades embrujadas .
Fantasmas, mu ecos pose dos, castillos encantados y un sinf n de aterradores escenarios esperan a los Chac n.
Will there be someone smart, brave, and honest enough to pass the challenges?
Agueda Chacon Churruca made a great fortune writing her horror books, her readers adored her, although she hated them: "I write to make them suffer," she would say. In fact, Agueda detested everyone, especially her family, whom she always labeled as sloppy, lazy, clingy, and having ugly hair.
One tragic day, Agueda dies electrocuted in her massage chair and leaves her immense fortune to that relative who can manage to spend twelve nights in her collection of haunted houses. Ghosts, possessed dolls, enchanted castles, and endless frightening situations await the Chacon family.
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