Alberto tiene la entrega de los viejos reporteros de pel cula -de pel cula en blanco y negro- en una vida todav a joven, apenas despegada de los primeros treinta a os. Le gusta, como a varios de su generaci n, revolcarse en el barro de la vida ajena, ensuciarse los zapatos al lado de la gente. ―Del pr logo de Diego Fonseca
En octubre de 2018, miles de centroamericanos avanzaron en caravana hacia Estados Unidos. Donald Trump los acus de violentos, de terroristas, de pandilleros. Hubo brotes xen fobos. A pesar de todo, la mayor a sigui adelante. Hu an de una de las partes m s violentas y m s miserables del mundo. Cada a o, miles de personas se ponen en manos de coyotes para alcanzar el "sue o americano".
Ahora, esta romer a se desarrollaba a la vista de todos, en vivo y en directo. Hombres entrados en a os, mujeres embarazadas, adolescentes, j venes en edad de trabajar o ni os colgados de la teta de su madre ecorrieron M xico en condiciones extremas buscando la promesa del norte. Qui n est detr s de todo esto? Qu mueve a una familia a dejarlo todo y tratar de llegar a Estados Unidos? Son migrantes o refugiados?
Esta es la cr nica de mes y medio de Caravana. La cr nica de la Centroam rica que huye de Centroam rica.
ENGLISH DESCRIPTION "Alberto has the delivery of an old black-and-white film reporter, in a life still young, barely past his first thirty years. Like many from his generation, he likes to roll around in the dirt of others' lives; to get his shoes dirty alongside other people." -from the prologue by Diego Fonseca In October of 2018, thousands of Central Americans joined a caravan headed to the United States. Donald Trump accused them of being violent, being terrorists, being gang members. There were xenophobic outbursts. Despite it all, the majority continued on. They were fleeing from one of the most violent, miserable places on earth. Each year, thousands of people put themselves in the hands of coyotes to seek the "American Dream."
Now, this pilgrimage was playing out in plain view, live. Elderly men, pregnant women, teenagers, working-age young people and children still at their mother's breast traversed Mexico in extreme conditions, searching for the promise of the North. Who is behind all this? What moves a family to leave everything behind and try to reach the United States? Are they migrants or refugees?
This is the chronicle of the month and a half of Caravan. The chronicle of Central America fleeing from Central America.