Carlota pas de un cuento de hadas a un infierno. sta es la historia de ese infierno. La emperatriz volvi a ser princesa. Despu s de que su marido fuera fusilado en el Cerro de las Campanas, la consentida, la enamorada, se convirti en una paria de las monarqu as europeas y pas sesenta a os en la locura.
Esta obra es la primera que se concentra en las seis d cadas que Carlota de Sajonia-Coburgo-Gotha vivi despu s de que se derrumbara el Segundo Imperio Mexicano, y ofrece un estudio l cido de uno de los personajes m s apasionantes en la historia del pa s. Aqu hablan los diarios de los m dicos de Carlota, los papeles de Adrien Goffinet (administrador de sus bienes), testigos de aquellos a os, archivos reales, las cartas de su servidumbre, bit coras de viajeros y la prensa europea de la poca.
Paso a paso, se revela c mo la "princesa m s triste del mundo" termin convertida en un pe n. Y c mo, de las ruinas del M xico de Maximiliano, surgi el imperio privado del rey belga Leopoldo II en el Congo.
ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Carlota went from a fairy tale into hell. This is the story of that hell. The empress went back to being a princess. After her husband was shot on the Hill of the Bells, the spoiled young wife became a pariah among the European monarchs and spent the next sixty years deranged.
This work is the first that focuses on the six decades that Carlota of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha lived after the fall of the Second Mexican Empire, and offers a lucid study of one of the most fascinating people in Mexican history. In this book, we see the diaries of Carlota's physicians, the papers of Adrien Goffinet (manager of her assets), testimonies from those years, royal archives, letters from her servants, travelers' logs, and the European press from the time.
Step by step, we see how "the saddest princess in the world" wound up as a pawn. And how, out of the fallout of Maximilian's Mexico came the private empire of the Belgian King Leopold II in the Congo.