Tener un robot como mascota mola. Que te haga viajar en el tiempo... ES UNA VERDADERA PASADA Tras descubrir que C-R3BRO, el robot que cre Gala, los puede llevar atr s en el tiempo, Hugo, Gala y el Profesor lo tienen clar simo: de momento van a mantenerlo en secreto.
Esta vez deciden vivir esta nueva aventura en la PREHISTORIA pero... Ser n capaces de regresar al presente antes de que se los coma un dinosaurio?
ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Having a robot as a pet is super cool Especially one that helps you travel through time... It really is beyond this world After discovering that B-R4IN, the robot that Gala created, can take them back in time, Hugo, Gala, and the Professor have a very clear understanding of what they need to do; but for now they must keep it a secret.
This time they decided to live their new adventure in prehistoric times, but . . . will they be able to come back before a dinosaur eats them alive?