Mediante el particular estilo de Antonio Garci, y en colaboraci n con su esposa, Citlalli Bayardi, recorreremos esta heroica y divertida aventura de 8-Venado, Garra de Jaguar, gracias a la interpretaci n que hacen del c dice Nuttal. En este entretenido e informado libro, nuestro h roe atraviesa distintas andanzas, conquistas y obst culos para convertirse en el unificador del reino de la mixteca.
"Esta que vas a leer es la epopeya de un h roe mexicano del siglo XI. Naci en el coraz n de la mixteca, un reino majestuoso de altas y lluviosas monta as. Su nombre, 8-Venado, Garra de Jaguar. De distinguida familia, se convirti en un guerrero conquistador de amplios territorios, desde la cima de las monta as, hasta los valles que se extend an a sus pies; de los parajes se oriales de la mixteca baja, hasta las costas de Oaxaca. Cruz el mar, lleg hasta el Fin del Mundo y alcanz el Cielo y la Casa del Sol. Y todo lo conquist ".- Antonio Garci
ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Through Antonio Garci's usual narrative style, and in collaboration with his wife Citlalli Bayardi, we will take a journey through 8-Deer, Jaguar Claw's heroic and fun adventure, thanks to their interpretation of the Nuttal codex. In this entertaining and informative book, we see our hero embark on different adventures, conquests, and obstacles to become the Mixtec kingdom unifier. "This story is the epic tale of a Mexican hero from the eleventh century. He was born in the heart of the Mixteca, a majestic kingdom of high and rainy mountains. His name, 8-Deer Jaguar Claw. He came from a distinguished family and became a conquering warrior of vast territories, from the peaks of the mountains, to valleys that extended far and wide; from the stately sites of the Mixteca Baja, to the coast of Oaxaca. He crossed seas, reached the End of the World, reached Heaven, and the House of the Sun . . . and he conquered everything." -Antonio Garci