Hor scopo chino por la astr loga con mayor respaldo en el tema. Desde hace m s de 30 a os los libros de Squirru son bestsellers. Ella estudi I Ching en Pek n y cada a o brinda predicciones signo a signo, basadas en el I Ching y el Bazi. Adem s, sus libros incluyen predicciones por regiones geogr ficas.
Hor scopo chino 2020 es el t tulo n mero 36, que la autora lanza anualmente, un libro que predice y provee una excelente gu a para hallar equilibrio en la vida durante 2020. Con ste podr s conocer c mo la energ a del universo influye en tu vida de acuerdo con la astrolog a china.
El pr ximo 25 de enero inicia el a o chino, a o de la rata. Ludovica Squirru recorre continuamente los pa ses de habla hispana para impartir conferencias y talleres, pr ximamente estar en M xico para el lanzamiento de este libro.
ENGLISH DESCRIPTION The Chinese horoscope by the most qualified astrologer in the subject. Squirru's books have been long-time bestsellers for over 30 years. She studied I Ching in Beijing and every year she offers predictions according to each sign, based on I Ching and Bazi. Her books also include predictions based on each geographical region.
Chinese Horoscope 2020 is book number 36 of her yearly releases; it is a book that predicts and provides an excellent guide to find a life balance in 2020. In it, you will learn how the universe's energy influences your life based on Chinese astrology. On January 25th, 2020 the new Chinese New Year begins; it is the year of the rat. Ludovica Squirru travels throughout the Spanish speaking countries to offer conferences and workshops.