Azul y Ali son mas que amigas, son Best Friends Forever, y como tal lo comparten todo, hasta las celebraciones de cumpleaños. Aunque este año tal vez sus planes no salgan como quisieran, entre otras cosas, porque la mamá de Ali insiste en verlas como princesas, y no entiende que ellas son algo mucho mejor: son superheroÃnas (bueno, apenas están aprendiendo a serlo).
Es difÃcil ser superheroÃna? No mucho. Azul y Ali solo tienen que rescatar al es-laim mágico (antes deben entender quién es), viajar a la Isla de los Unicornios, descubrir y dominar todos sus poderes (incluido el hechizo de invisibilidad), y sobre todo, hacerle frente a la chica más mala de la escuela.
Ah, y todo esto lo tienen que lograr antes del dÃa de su cumpleaños.
ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Azul and Ali are more than friends, they are Best Friends Forever, and as such they share everything, even birthday celebrations. Although it looks like this year their plans might not go as they wanted, among other things, because Ali's mother insists on seeing them as princesses, and doesn't understand that they are something much better: they are superheroines (well, they're learning to be).
Is it difficult to be a superhero? Not so much. Azul and Ali just have to rescue the magical es-laim (first they must understand who, or what, it is), travel to the Island of Unicorns, discover and master all its powers (including the invisibility spell), and above all, face the baddest girl in school.
Oh, and they have to accomplish all of this before their birthday.