Qué sentirías si tus padres contrataran a un niñero? A los diecisiete años, no parece que sea muy buena idea, y menos si él va a tu misma clase y tiene derecho a vigilarte y castigarte.
Tyler Harrison es sinónimo de idiota...
Y es mi estúpido niñero.
Sam no le pondrá las cosas nada fáciles a Tyler, pero poco a poco el vínculo entre ambos irá cambiando. Al compartir casa y clase, la relación será cada vez más intensa, pero él siempre será su estúpido niñero. O... algo más?
ENGLISH DESCRIPTION How would you feel if your parents hired a babysitter? At seventeen, it doesn't seem like such a good idea, especially if he is in your same class and has the right to watch over you and punish you.
Tyler Harrison is synonymous of an idiot ...
And he's my stupid babysitter.
Sam will not make things easy for Tyler, but little by little the bond between the two will change. By sharing time at home and in class, their relationship will become more and more intense, but he will always be his stupid babysitter. Or maybe something else?