CUIDADO! Este libro es diferente a los demás. En esta serie los protagonistas y sus decisiones marcan el desarrollo de la historia. Lo que ocurra en esta historia está SOLO en tus manos. Tendrás que sortear grandes peligros y una mala decisión podrÃa acabar en desastre... Pero no desesperes. En cualquier momento puedes retroceder y elegir otra opción, alterar el curso de tu historia y cambiar tu destino. Esta es tu misión: siempre has vivido en una nave espacial, pero ha llegado el momento de decidir en qué planeta te asentarás. Escoge rápido, porque te esperan peligros galácticos nunca vistos.
ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Space and Beyond by R. A. Montgomery takes YOU on an intergalactic adventure past black holes and meteorites to visit your new home planet! readers will hurtle through space, faster than the speed of light, exploring new stars, planets, and galaxies, engaging with other life forms, and even traveling through time!
Choose Your Own Adventure
Space and Beyond is an interactive adventure book in which YOU decide what happens next.
You were born on a spaceship traveling between galaxies and raised by parents from two different planets. You are now old enough to decide your citizenship: Will you choose planet Kenda or planet Croyd to be your home? Do you peacefully join a group of aliens or fight them off? How should you thwart a curse placed upon you? What do you do in the face of dinosaurs? How can you work as an agent of intergalactic peace?
For readers who enjoyed other titles from the Choose Your Own Adventure series including: Prisoner of the Ant People by R. A. Montgomery, Project UFO by R. A. Montgomery, and Moon Quest by Anson Montgomery.