UN NUEVO HÉROE EMPRENDE EL VUELO Prepárate para conocer a héroes inesperados, descubrir la magia de los elementos, librar feroces batallas en el cielo, participar en carreras trepidantes y, por supuesto, para enfrentarte a unos unicornios sedientos de sangre. La isla te llama... Skandar Smith siempre ha querido cabalgar sobre un unicornio.
Tener la suerte de ser uno de los pocos elegidos para criar uno y convertirse en su jinete. Establecer un vÃnculo irrompible con él y competir juntos para alcanzar la gloria.
Ser un héroe. Pero, justo cuando su sueño parece estar a punto de hacerse realidad, los acontecimientos toman un giro muy peligroso.
Un misterioso jinete llamado el Tejedor roba el unicornio más poderoso de la isla y, mientras la amenaza se acerca, Skandar descubrirá un secreto que podrÃa hacer estallar su vida en mil pedazos.
ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Soar into a breathtaking world of heroes and unicorns as you've never seen them before in this fantastical middle grade debut perfect for fans of the Percy Jackson and Eragon series! Skandar Smith has always yearned to leave the Mainland and escape to the secretive Island, where wild unicorns roam free. He's spent years studying for his Hatchery exam, the annual test that selects a handful of Mainlander thirteen-year-olds to train to become unicorn riders. But on the day of Skandar's exam, things go horribly wrong, and his hopes are shattered...until a mysterious figure knocks on his door at midnight, bearing a message: the Island is in peril and Skandar must answer its call.
Skandar is thrust into a world of epic sky battles, dangerous clashes with wild unicorns, and rumors of a shadowy villain amassing a unicorn army. And the closer Skandar grows to his newfound friends and community of riders, the harder it becomes to keep his secrets --especially when he discovers their lives may all be in graver danger than he ever imagined.