Con Las guerras de Yavé, J. J. BenÃtez vuelve al Antiguo Testamento para romper con las verdades universales que rodean nuestra idea de Dios. Aquà se enfrenta a millones de creyentes en las religiones judÃa, cristiana, protestante y musulmana.
En un exhaustivo estudio, el investigador navarro analiza el Antiguo Testamento a la luz del fenómeno OVNI actual. La conclusión es demoledora: Yavé no era Dios. A decir verdad, nadie --nunca-- habló tan claro sobre la Biblia.
ENGLISH DESCRIPTION A new title by J. J. BenÃtez in which he questions the figure of Yahweh, his relationship with humanity and the earthly condition of Jesus of Nazareth.
With The Wars of Yahweh, J. J. Benitez returns to the Old Testament to break with the universal truths that surround our idea of God. Here he is confronted with millions of believers in the Jewish, Christian, Protestant and Muslim religions.
In an exhaustive study, The Navarrese researcher analyzes the Old Testament in light of the current UFO phenomenon. The conclusion is devastating: Yahweh was not God. Truth be told, no one--ever--spoke so clearly about the Bible.
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