7Like many other skeptics, news anchor Dan Harris thought meditation was reserved for people who collect crystals and have impossible diets. One day changed all that when he suffered a panic attack on national television for several million people to witness. Since then, he discovered that meditation can help mitigate depression and anxiety, control blood pressure, and improve overall wellbeing. In this work, Harris and meditation teacher Jeff Warden embark on a journey to explore the myths, misunderstandings, and self-deceptions that keep people from meditation. With a mixture of testimonies and practical exercises, clear and applicable to all kinds of daily routines, Meditaci n para esc pticos inquietos demonstrates that it is possible to change our lives without radically transforming our habits.
Como muchos otros esc pticos inquietos, el presentador de noticias Dan Harris cre a que la meditaci n estaba reservada a personas que coleccionan cristales, llevan dietas imposibles de explicar y usan la palabra namast sin iron a. Pero un d a sufri un ataque de p nico al aire, en un programa en vivo que vieron varios millones de personas. Desde entonces, descubri que la meditaci n puede ayudar a mitigar la depresi n y la ansiedad, controlar la presi n arterial y mejorar el bienestar general. Por qu , entonces, no la practicamos todos?