La villa de las telas abre de nuevo sus puertas.
Llega la esperada cuarta parte de la saga superventas de Anne Jacobs. Una magnÃfica mansión
Una época turbulenta
Un amor que puede vencerlo todo...
Augsburgo, 1930. Marie y Paul Melzer son felices y su amor es más fuerte que nunca. Su hijo menor, el pequeño Kurti, que ahora tiene cuatro años, es un rayo de sol que se gana el afecto de todo el mundo y los gemelos Dodo y Leo han crecido espléndidamente. Dodo ha descubierto su amor por la técnica y sueña con convertirse en aviadora, mientras que Leo demuestra un gran talento para el piano, que se ha convertido en su gran pasión. Pero la villa no es ajena a la agitada situación polÃtica en Alemania y la crisis económica golpea con fuerza el negocio familiar. Los Melzer tienen importantes deudas y Marie deberá enfrentarse a dolorosas decisiones para evitar la ruina. El destino de la familia está en juego. Y su amada villa de las telas solo podrá salvarse si todos permanecen unidos.
ENGLISH DESCRIPTION An exciting family saga for fans of Downton Abbey, Kate Morton, and Lucinda Riley, that has already captivated millions of readers. The Cloth Villa opens its doors once again! The long-awaited fourth installment of Anne Jacobs' best-selling saga is here. A magnificent mansion A tumultuous time A love that can defeat everything ... Augsburg, 1930. Marie and Paul Melzer are happy and their love is stronger than ever. Their youngest son, little Kurti who is now four years old, is a ray of sunshine who quickly gains everyone's affection and twins Dodo and Leo have grown up splendidly. Dodo has discovered her love for systems and methods and dreams of becoming an aviator, while Leo shows a great talent for playing the piano, which has become his great passion. But the town is no stranger to the turbulent political situation in Germany and the economic crisis hits the family business quite hard. The Melzers have great debts and Marie must face painful decisions in order to avoid bankruptcy. The fate of the family is at stake and her beloved Cloth Villa can only be saved if everyone sticks together.
It is a great love story, with dramatic overtones and family secrets, which we liked both for its literary quality and for its historical precision. --Kritica Magazine
With her fluent narrative style, Anne Jacobs knows how to seduce her readers and transport them to the high society life of a century ago with all its glamor but also with its dark secrets. --Weilheimer Tagblatt