El Doctor Responde: Tu Guía Médica En Casa / The Doctor Answers: Your At-Home Medical Guide
El Doctor Responde: Tu Guía Médica En Casa / The Doctor Answers: Your At-Home Medical Guide
Gutierrez, Javier
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Condition: New, UPC: 9788417338329, Publication Date: Thu, August 1, 2019, Type: Paperback ,
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0Las 50 enfermedades m s comunes y su tratamiento.

El doctor responde es una gu a clara y sencilla que recopila 50 enfermedades y dolencias comunes con el objetivo de ayudarte a identificarlas y tratarlas. Y, como m s vale prevenir que curar, tambi n encontrar s consejos y pautas para incorporar en tu d a a d a y disfrutar de un estilo de vida m s saludable. Adem s, en cada caso, el doctor Javier Guti rrez entrevista a un especialista que responde a las preguntas que los pacientes formulan habitualmente en la consulta.

Durante m s de 35 a os de profesi n, he escuchado a muchos pacientes preocupados acerca de s ntomas y dolencias que ellos o sus familiares padec an, y he llegado a la conclusi n de que estas dudas siempre se repiten. Lo que pretendo en este libro es darles respuesta con la inestimable colaboraci n de grandes profesionales de todas las especialidades. Creo que en nuestro pa s falta informaci n b sica y f cil de entender sobre muchas enfermedades y trastornos que, en realidad, todos hemos padecido, podr amos padecer o padeceremos a lo largo de nuestra vida. Si este libro sirve para ayudarte a entenderlas y mejorar tu salud, mi deseo se ver cumplido. .-Dr. Javier Guti rrez


The 50 most common illnesses and their treatments.
The Doctor Answers is a clear, simple guide that compiles 50 common illnesses and ailments, with the goal of helping you identify and treat them. And since prevention is the best medicine, you will also find advice and guidelines for enjoying a healthy day-to-day lifestyle. In addition, in each case, Dr. Javier Guti rrez interviews a specialist who responds to questions that patients frequently ask in the exam room.

"For more than 35 years of my career, I have listened to many patients who are concerned about symptoms and ailments that they or their family members are suffering from, and I have come to the conclusion that these doubts keep cropping up. What I aim for in this book is to answer them with the invaluable collaboration of great professionals in all specialty areas. I think there is a lack of basic, easy-to-remember information about many illnesses and ailments that, in reality, we have all had, could have, or will have at some point in our lives. If this book helps you understand them and improve your health, my goal will have been accomplished." -Dr. Javier Guti rrez


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