El concepto del Lunes sin Carne se presenta como una interesante iniciativa para aquellas personas que quieren empezar a comer más sano, aumentando el consumo de vegetales y reduciendo el de alimentos de origen animal, al menos un dÃa a la semana.
«Decirle a la gente que deje de comer carne y que empiece a comer garbanzos no es muy realista, aunque sà podemos aportar herramientas y argumentos para que, al menos, reduzca el consumo. Y de esto va este libro, de ayudarte a reducir el consumo de carne, porque practicar el Lunes sin Carne es una excelente manera de contribuir a tu salud y a la del planeta, asà como de descubrir que otra forma de alimentarse es posible.
Consumimos un exceso de alimentos de origen animal, lo cual tiene un impacto negativo sobre la salud de las personas y del planeta. Como consecuencia, el vegetarianismo, en varias de sus formas, ha ganado relevancia en la población como solución al problema ético y de sostenibilidad que deriva del elevado consumo de animales. Sin embargo, y pese a que la población está cada vez más concienciada, muchas personas no se sienten preparadas para dar el paso hacia el vegetarianismo.
ENGLISH DESCRIPTION The concept of Meatless Monday is presented as an interesting initiative for those who want to start eating healthier, increase their vegetable consumption, and reduce their intake of foods coming from animals, at least one day a week. Telling people to stop eating meat and start eating chickpeas is not very realistic, however, we can provide tools and advice so they can at least reduce animal consumption. And this is what this book is about, helping you reduce the amount of meat you eat, because practicing Meatless
Monday is an excellent way to contribute to your overall health and that of the planet, as well discovering that there are other ways of eating.
We consume an excess of foods derived from animals, which has a negative impact on people's health and that of the planet. As a consequence, vegetarianism, in several of its forms, has gained relevance in the general population as a solution to the ethical and sustainability problem that derives from our high consumption of animals. However, despite the increasing awareness, many people do not feel ready to take the step towards vegetarianism.