7Walter Hartright se traslada a Limmeridge para dar clases de dibujo a Laura, sobrina y heredera del barón Frederick Fairlie. Sin que ninguno de los dos pueda evitarlo, surge entre ellos un profundo amor, enturbiado por el compromiso de la muchacha con sir Percival Glyde, que solo busca arrebatarle su fortuna. La aparición de una misteriosa mujer, sin embargo, cambiará de forma inevitable el curso de los acontecimientos.
Walter Hartright moved to Limmeridge to teach drawing to Laura, niece and heiress of Baron Frederick Fairlie. Without either of them being able to avoid it, a deep love arises between them, clouded by the girl's commitment to Sir Percival Glyde, who only seeks to take away her fortune. The appearance of a mysterious woman, however, will inevitably change the course of events.