el apego seguro, un vÃnculo fundamental en la infancia para una vida adulta plena y serena.
La tranquilidad que genera un apego seguro, la certeza de que sus cuidadores le acompañan crea en el niño una infancia equilibrada, le permite establecer relaciones más saludables y menos dependientes, y genera una mayor autoestima y confianza a lo largo de su vida, dando como resultado una etapa adulta plena y serena.
A través de los ojos de una niña, Sira, el autor nos enseña las claves para acompañar las emociones de nuestros hijos, establecer lÃmites y fomentar su autonomÃa. Rafa Guerrero demuestra que el apego seguro es un preciado vÃnculo que perdurará para siempre.
ENGLISH DESCRIPTION A beautiful picture book about healthy connections, a fundamental bond created during childhood to help develop a full and serene adult life. Healthy bonds offer children peacefulness and calm, and the certainty that their caregivers are supporting them along the way; heatlthy bonds create a balanced childhood, allow them to establish healthier and less dependent relationships, and generate greater self-esteem and confidence throughout their lives, and as a result they will enjoy a full and serene adult life.
Through a girl, Sira, the author teaches us the keys to nurture our children's emotions, establish limits, and encourage their independence. Rafa Guerrero demonstrates that healthy connections are a precious bond that will last forever.