Regresa el autor de La sustancia del mal, con m s de 300.000 lectores en 42 pa ses, con un nuevo thriller que lo confirma como estrella de la novela negra europea, junto a Dazieri, Lemaitre y Dicker.
«De lectura obligada. L ela con el cintur n de seguridad abrochado. -La Stampa
«Un experimento narrativo consumado. -Il Corriere della Sera Tony Carcano lleva una vida aislada y mon tona, en la que las nicas emociones que experimenta son las que describe en sus propios libros, unas novelas de amor que desde hace tiempo le proporcionan xito y bienestar. Sin embargo, Sibylle, una veintea era imprudente y encantadora, irrumpe en su vida con una antigua foto que lo retrata joven y sonriente junto al cad ver de una mujer: Erika Knapp.
Tony se ve obligado a retomar los hilos de una historia que durante mucho tiempo quiso dejar atr s. Junto a Sibylle, tendr que volver a adentrarse en las sombras del peque o pueblo tirol s de Kreuzwirt, donde se esconde un misterio hecho de mentiras, violencia, locura y codicia. Este
thriller, de una potencia avasalladora y un ritmo diab lico, har resurgir un secreto oculto durante m s de veinte a os abriendo de par en par las compuertas del infierno.
ENGLISH DESCRIPTION The author of La sustancia del mal / Beneath the Mountain returns, now with more than 300,000 readers in 42 countries, with a new thriller that confirms him as the star of the European crime novel, along with Dazieri, Lemaitre, and Dicker. «A must read. Read it with your seat belt fastened. -La Stampa A perfect narrative experiment. -Il Corriere della Sera Tony Carcano leads an isolated and monotonous life, in which the only emotions he experiences are those described in his own books, romance novels that have long provided him with success and stability. However, Sibylle, a careless and charming twenty-something, bursts into his life with an old photo of him as a smiling young man next to the dead body of a woman: Erika Knapp.
Tony is forced to pick up the threads of a story that he wanted to leave behind for a long time. Together with Sibylle, she will have to re-enter the shadows of the small Tyrolean town of Kreuzwirt, where a mystery made of lies, violence, madness, and greed is hidden. This thriller with overwhelming power and diabolical rhythm will make a secret, which had been hidden for over twenty years, resurface, opening wide the floodgates of hell.