La Vida Nueva tal como Zurita lo concibi un verdadero acontecimiento en la poes a contempor nea..
Esta es la historia azarosa de un proyecto en el que Ra l Zurita ha empe ado la mitad de su vida. En 1983, tras haber cambiado para siempre la poes a chilena con
Purgatorio y
Antepara so, Zurita comenz a escribir
La Vida Nueva, libro con el que cerrar a una trilog a po tica de proyecciones inauditas. A pesar de trabajar en l durante m s de una d cada, tan solo pudo ver publicada una versi n reducida en 1994, tras lo cual los manuscritos se extraviaron. Cuando, por fortuna, Zurita logr recuperarlos gracias a un coleccionista, el proyecto inicial se revel ante l en toda su magnitud.
Hoy, m s de veinticinco a os despu s, se presenta por fin la edici n final de
La Vida Nueva. Un libro -un universo- donde los vecinos an nimos, los r os que hablan y padecen y aman, las fotograf as de un pa s desolado, los detenidos desaparecidos, las ciudades, los sue os, el amor, y la hermana luna , la hermana noche y la hermana muerte se entrelazan en un canto delirante que le devuelve a la poes a el aliento pico y la grandeza, y que confirma a Zurita como una de las m s grandes voces de la poes a contempor nea.
ENGLISH DESCRIPTION The New Life just as Zurita intended it: this is a truly remarkable event in contemporary poetry. This is the story of a project for which Ra l Zurita has devoted half of his life. In 1983, after having changed Chilean poetry forever with
Purgatory and
Anteparadise, Zurita began to write
The New Life, a book that would close an unprecedented poetic trilogy. Despite working on it for more than a decade, he could only see a reduced version of it published in 1994, after which the manuscripts were lost. When Zurita was fortunate to recover them thanks to a collector, he was able to see to fruition his initial project in all its magnitude.
Today, more than twenty-five years later, the final edition of
The New Life is finally revealed. It is a book -a universe- where the mysterious neighbors, rivers that speak and feel and love, the photographs of a desolate country, those that disappeared, the cities, the dreams, the loves, "sister moon", "sister night", and "sister death" are intertwined in an emotional song that gives greatness back to poetry, and confirms Zurita as one of the greatest voices of contemporary poetry.