Cuando los Casi Cracks se clasifican para uno de los torneos más importantes del año, nadie se lo cree del todo.
Ha sido suerte o es posible que esté ocurriendo algo más?
Con equipos que se quedan dormidos en el campo, balones que parecen tener vida propia y algunos rivales bastante sospechosos, el reto no será solamente llegar a la final...
Será resolver el misterio más disparatado de la temporada! ENGLISH DESCRIPTION
JUMP ONTO THE PITCH AND MEET THE FUNNIEST SOCCER TEAM EVER! When the Almost-Cracks qualify for one of the biggest and most important tournaments of the year, no one can believe it.
Was it luck or could there be something else going on?
With teams that fall asleep on the field, balls that seem to have a life of their own, and some rather suspicious opponents, the challenge will not only be getting to the finals...
It will be solving the craziest mystery of the season!