La obra que tienes en tus manos est destinada a pensar con la gram tica, no a memorizarla. El lenguaje es el pensamiento, y conocer la estructura de nuestro lenguaje equivale a conocer c mo se han estructurado nuestras razones. La gram tica trocea lo que pensamos, nos permite averiguar lo que pasa en el alma de quien habla y nos ayuda a ordenar la realidad. La gram tica ense a a razonar y a exponer mejor las ideas, pero sobre todo a generarlas. Y ello nos hace m s capaces de convencer a los dem s.
Con este libro repasaremos la gram tica; aprenderemos o recordaremos las normas; descubriremos las consecuencias de no conocerlas... y pasaremos un buen rato."
ENGLISH DESCRIPTIONThe best proof that grammar can be explained simply and in an entertaining way. A book to "think about it and with it."
The work you have in your hands is dedicated to thinking about grammar, not memorizing it. Language is thought, and knowing the structure of our language equals knowing how our reasoning has been structured. Grammar slices up what we think about, allows us to find out what is happening in the soul of the person speaking, and helps us organize our reality. Grammar teaches us to reason and to present our ideas, but above all to generate them. And that makes us more capable of convincing others.
In this book, we will review grammar; we will learn or review the rules; we will discover the consequences of not knowing them ... and we will have a good time.