tagonista de esta historia sobre los primeros h?bitos de los m?s peque?os.
Una nueva entrega para la colecci?n de «GRANDES PASITOS La hora del ba?o es el libro que todos los padres est?n esperando para acompa?ar a los m?s peque?os a meterse a la ba?era.
La sirena Marena los ha invitado a todos a su fiesta del ba?o. Especialmente los peque?os lectores est?n invitados! Uno a uno, divertidos personajes ir?n entrando y saliendo de la ba?era.
Se ba?? el elefante, se ba?? el le?n,
Se ba?? el coraz?n? ...
Con su esponja y con su pato,
le gusta el ba?o hasta al gato!
La hora del ba?o forma parte de la colecci?n «Grandes pasitos , una serie de libros llenos de humor y ternura pensados para acompa?ar a tus peque?os en los grandes logros de los primeros a?os de su vida y guiarles a trav?s de su camino hacia la autonom?a.
ENGLISH DESCRIPTION In this new installment of the
Big Steps Collection,
A Bath Time is the protagonist of the lovely story about the little ones' first habits.
A Bath Time Party is the book that all parents have been waiting for to help the little ones get into the bathtub.
Mermaid Marena has invited everyone to her bath time party. Little readers are especially invited! One by one, funny characters will jump in and out of the bathtub. The elephant bathed, the lion bathed ... bathing with the funny sponge; everyone will like that, even the cat!
A Bath Time Party is part of the
Big Steps Collection, a sweet and humorous children's books series aimed to be part of your little one's biggest accomplishments during their first years, and to help guide them towards doing things independently.